Category: harry potter

  • The Magic of Writing

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the first film in the epic eight-part Harry Potter series, is reaching its 20th anniversary this year. The Wizarding World and all its fans are celebrating. There is a new HBO Max special reunion released; there is a new Fantastics Beasts movie coming out later in the year; and there are millions of articles, podcasts…

  • Who we really are

    The world isn’t split into good people and Death Eaters. We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are. Sirius Black J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

  • J.K. Rowling and the Wizarding World in 2016

    J.K. Rowling and the Wizarding World in 2016

    2016 will be marked as the year we returned to the Wizarding World. Are you a fan of J.K. Rowling’s universe? Learn more about all the great things we discovered last year.