This is my first personal blog.
I intend to share random thoughts about my life and several topics I’m interested, in the most unpretentious manner. Subjects such as technology, design, history, culture and much more.
My goal is to write on a daily basis and share some of my experiences with you. I will write about my work, education, life and everything I find fascinating about the digital universe.
This will be the space for me to store memories, think about certain situations, share my opinions and interact with new people that might be interested in the same things I do.
About me
My name is Fabio Fiss, I am a front-end web developer and also a user interface designer (yes, you can be both. let’s talk more about this in the future). I love the Web. It is my passion. I also love to share my knowledge and explain certain things that might seem complicated on the surface.
I am originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil. English is my second-language, therefore if you spot any mistakes or errors in my writing please let me know. This blog is also an exercise to constantly improve my writing skills.
This is enough for my first post. It was just a way to introduce myself and start something new.